Assessments - Outline


Use the Outline tab to build your Assessment. Add test objectives and questions, insert question pools, and change the order in which objectives will be presented to learners. You start out with one objective with one question pool.

Assessments are built with one or more Objectives, which are used to test learners on different learning objectives or subject areas. Scoring can be based on an Overall Score for the entire assessment, or can be broken up by different Objective Scores where objectives can have different weights. You can choose which type of scoring to use when you add the assessment to your learning activity. Your assessment may have many different objectives (topics/subjects) or just a single objective.

Example of an assessment with multiple objectives: If you're building a Math assessment, you might want to break your questions into two topic or objectives: Algebra and Geometry. You have the option to weight one topic higher than another so that your learners must achieve a higher score on the more important topic. You could weight Algebra so that it must be passed at 80% and Geometry must be passed at 70%. Your learners would have to score higher on the Algebra objective to pass.

  • To add a new Objective, click the  button. Fill in the Title and Score for the objective.
  • You can reorder Objectives by dragging and dropping them. To drag and drop, place your cursor over the orange colored title bar of the Objective you want to move; click and drag into place.
  • To change an Objective Score, click the number beside the % symbol, enter a new number and click  to save.
  • Insert a new Pool into the objective by clicking the  button.
  • Add new questions to each Question Pool by clicking the  button and selecting the appropriate question type.
  • Delete any objects in the Outline by clicking the  icon.
Pools: Questions are grouped into pools that can include a header message specific to those questions. Pools can also control the number of questions that will be used in random order on the assessment. For example, you may have 10 questions in a pool but only want 5 of those questions to display to the learner in a single assessment attempt. You have the ability to specify which questions must always be shown, which are eligible to be shown, and if any should never be shown (see the Questions Tab).

  • To create a new pool within an objective, click .
  • To name a pool, click on Question Pool Name: Empty, enter the pool name, and click the  to save.
  • To add a header message, click on the  button next to Header Message and use the HTML Editor to enter the desired message(s), which can include styled text, tables, and images. Click here for more information about header messages.
  • Pools can be moved and reordered, or even moved to different objectives by grabbing the top gray bar and dragging to a new location.
  • The Number of Questions to Use will determine how many questions from the pool are shown to the learner when taking the assessment. The options available to select will be determined by how the questions are set up on the Questions Tab.
    • A question that is set to never show will not be included in the number of questions to use. A question that is set to always show wil be required in the number of questions to use.
      • For example, if you have 10 questions and 2 are set to never show, 3 are set to always show and the remaining questions are set as eligible, the number of questions to use can be set to anywhere between 3 and 8.
      • Each question in the pool displays the included option as either  (never included), (always included), or blank (eligible for inclusion).
Pools: Questions are grouped into pools that can include a header message specific to those questions. Pools can also allow a group of questions to be created and only a certain number will be used in random order on the assessment. For example, you may have 10 questions in a pool but only want 5 of those questions to display to the learner in a single assessment attempt. You have the ability to specify which questions must always be shown, which are eligible to be shown, and if any should never be shown (see "Questions" below).
  • To create a new pool within an objective, click Add Pool.
  • To name a pool, click on Question Pool Name: Empty, enter the pool name and click the  to save.
  • To add a header message, click on the Create button next to Header Message and use the HTML Editor to enter the desired message(s), which can include styled text, tables, and images. Click here for more information about header messages.
  • Pools can be moved and reordered or even moved to different objectives by grabbing the top bar and dragging to a new location.
  • The Number of Questions to Use will determine how many questions from the pool are shown to the learner when taking the assessment. The options available to select will be determined by how the questions are set up. A question that is set to never show will not be included in the number of questions to use. A question that is set to always show wil be required in the number of questions to use. For example, if you have 10 questions and 2 are set to never show, 3 are set to always show and the remaining questions are set as eligible, the number of questions to use can be set to anywhere between 3 and 8.
  • Each question in the pool displays the included option as either  (never included), (always included), or blank (eligible for inclusion).
Sample Assessment Structure:

  • Assessment Title: Mathematics
  • Objective 1 Name: Basic Math
  • Question Pool 1: Subtraction
  • Question Pool 2: Addition
  • Question Pool 3: Division
  • Objective 2 Name: Advanced Math
  • Question Pool 4: Statistics
  • Question Pool 5: Algebra