Assessments - Copy Assessment


You can copy any Assessment by clicking the copy-assessment-logo button in the top-right corner of the screen on any of the Assessment pages.

  • In the modal window, fill in the Title field.
  • Specify how the Assessment's Questions should be handled for the new Assessment by selecting one of the following options:
    • Link to existing questions - Editing a question updates the question in both the original and new assessments. The questions are shared between the original Assessment and the Assessment Copy.
      • Use this option if you want to create a different version of the same assessment but keep both versions consistent. The new version can include additional questions and/or only some of the original questions, but any questions that were copied over will always be tied to the original.
    • Make a full, independent copy of the questions - Editing a question in the new assessment does not impact the original. An entirely new copy of each question will be created for the new Assessment Copy.
      • Use this option if you want to create a new assessment using the same structure and/or questions as the original, but don't want them to be connected in any way. This option is similar to copying a learning product in that the content is retained in the copy but should then be modified to the appropriate specifications.
  • Click the Copy and Continue button.
  • You will be redirected to the new Assessment Copy.