Learning Products - Add Webinar


The Webinar activity lets you use the Section Dashboard to schedule and launch WebEx webinars. The learner can launch the webinar directly from the learning product and track completion.

Learners can get a completion for the activity either by launching and viewing it during the scheduled webinar time, or by redeeming an attendance code that is generated by the section administrator while scheduling. This lets learners view the webinar in a meeting or classroom setting but still complete the activity in the learning product.

Webinar activities are added to the learning product structure on staging and then scheduled in the live Section. You can schedule a separate webinar in each section of the learning product. Learners will only be able to launch the webinar for the section in which they are enrolled.

Note: Learner Community is currently integrated with Cisco WebEx, and only supports Meeting Center and Event Center (not Support Center or Training Center).

Note: The Webinar activity does not include a feature for adding a recording of the webinar after it has ended. However, as a suggestion, you can add a Video activity to your learning product and upload the webinar recording as a separate activity.

Before you set up your first Webinar activity, you will need to add a Webinar Provider. This links up your Cisco WebEx account to your Learner Community portal.

  • Enter the Title of your Webinar activity. This is the activity title that the learner will see when they launch the activity.
  • Select the Webinar Provider from the dropdown menu.
  • Optionally enter a Short Description about the webinar. This will be visible to the learner.
  • Click .

Reminder: This is a placeholder activity. After the Learning Product has been published, an administrator needs to schedule the webinar within each Section on the Live site.

Webinars are scheduled and launched from the Section Dashboard.

Note: Learner Community is currently integrated with Cisco WebEx, and only supports Meeting Center and Event Center (not Support Center or Training Center).

If the product includes one or more Webinar activities, the "Webinars" table will be visible on the Section Dashboard.

    • Click on Schedule to schedule the webinar.
    • The product LessonActivity and Timezone will be displayed.
    • Enter the webinar Start Date by clicking on the  button and Start Time by clicking on the  button, or just type in the date and time.
    • Enter the webinar End Time by clicking on the  button or just typing in the time.
    • An Attendance Code will be automatically generated, but you can change it to any code you wish to use as long as it is unique (if the code is already being used, you will not be able to save).
      • If you want learners to be able to complete the Webinar activity without launching it directly from within the learning product at the scheduled time, you can give out this attendance code during the webinar. The code can be redeemed at any time by the learner from within the activity.
    • Click  to schedule the webinar, or  to remove the webinar date and time.
    • The date and time and attendance code will be displayed on the Section Dashboard.
    • At the webinar start date and time, click the Launch button to start the webinar. The learners who are enrolled in the section will be able to launch the activity and view the webinar until the admin ends the meeting.
    • To edit your webinar date/time/code, click the Edit button next to the Activity Title in the Customizable Content table on the Section Dashboard.

If you don't have a WebEx account, you can still link directly to a webinar from within the Learning Product by using a Content HTML activity. You won't be able to schedule or track it from Learner Community, but this will still give your learners access to launch the webinar.

Best Practice: Add an HTML activity to your learning product and title it so that it is clear to the learner that this is where they can access the webinar link. You can also use the Short Description to provide information.

Insert the hyplink to the webinar, and then include some information about when it should be launched and any other important information, such as the meeting number or ID.