Learning Products - Conferences


What is a Conference?

A conference is a live event consisting of one or more sessions that provide CE credit.

  1. Conferences are listed in alphabetical order on the Dashboard.
  2. The Last Published date is listed on the right.
  3. To create a new Conference Click the  button.
  4. Click Edit to modify a Conference or its sessions.
  5. Click View to see the Conference’s landing page in a new browser window. The Conference's landing page is where a conference’s messages are displayed and its session attendance codes can be submitted.
  6. Click the   button to publish the Conference after you have reviewed and approved it.
    1. Publishing will make it available on the Live system.
    2. While publishing, a padlock symbol appears instead of the Edit option because no changes can be made until publishing is complete.
    3. You can watch for the padlock to be removed by refreshing the page every few minutes.
  7. To delete a Conference, click the.
  1. Click Edit to modify the conference or its sessions.
  2. Configure Conference details and parameters in the "Configuration tab" by clicking text beside each empty field.
  3. For more detailed step-by-step instructions see Conference Configuration help.
  1. Click on the  button to create a new Conference.
  2. From the dropdown menu select the Category that best describes your new Conference.
  3. Using the Timezone dropdown, choose the Timezone that best fits your Conference.
  4. Enter a Start Date.
  5. Enter an End Date.
  6. Click  or .
  7. Continue to the "Configuration tab" where you can add more Conference parameters and details.