Learning Products - Add LTI Launch


An LTI activity is used to link Knowledge Connection with protected content from an outside source. For more information on Learning Tools Interoperability™, click here.

  1. Click the  button and choose the LTI Launch option.
  2. Create a Title for the LTI Launch.
  3. Select the LTI Provider from the dropdown box.
    1. To add new LTI Providers to the list, go to LTI Tool Providers in the Products section of the Knowledge Connection admin tools.
  4. Enter the URL in the Launch Url field.
  5. Enter any Custom Parameters in the Custom Parameter field. Each parameter should be entered on a separate line.
  6.  Create a Short Description for the LTI Launch activity.
    1. The description will display beneath the Activity Title when a learner views enrollment details.
  7. Click  to save changes and exit, or  to discard changes and exit.