Learning Products - Add an Evaluation


An Evaluation Learning Activity allows you to display questions to learners to gather their responses about a Learning Product. Note: It is suggested that you create the Evaluations you'll be attaching to a Learning Product before building the Learning Product. 

  1. Click the  button and choose the Evaluation option.
  2. Create a Title for the Activity. (e.g., “End of Course Evaluation”).
  3. Type a whole number or use the arrows to specify the Estimated Minutes that the average learner will spend to complete the evaluation.
  4. Enter a Short Description for this evaluation. The description will display beneath the Activity Title when a learner views enrollment details.
  5. Click  in the Specific Evaluation field to select an existing evaluation and search the lists of evaluations by title. Click "OK" to select, or click  to create a "New Evaluation Title" as a placeholder for the new evaluation you will create. 
  6. In the Generic Evaluation field, click  to select an existing evaluation, or  to create a placeholder for a new evaluation.
    1. Note: Until the activity is saved, you will be able to click "Change" to select a different evaluation.
    2. After saving, the selected evaluation becomes the learning activity and you will not be able to select a different evaluation. However, at anytime, you can Edit the evaluation’s properties, structure, and content in the Evaluations section of the administrator Learning Products tools.
  7. Click  to save changes and exit, or  to discard changes and exit.