Learning Products - Add Content Package


Note: For best results, upload a Content Package before adding activities to your Learning Product's Lesson Structure.

Adding a Content Package to a Learning Product, lets you launch your course content that communicates via the AICC HACP protocol. AICC is a standard way for content to communicate with the learning management system. It gets information about the learner and reports and tracks the learner's progress. Many off-the-shelf authoring tools publish learning content that is AICC-conformant.

  1. Click the  button and choose the Content Package option.
  2. Create a Title for the Activity. You can use the course name here.
  3. Select window dimensions based on the size set in the Content Package
  4. Type or use arrows to specify the Estimated Minutes that the average learner will spend to complete this course.
  5. Enter a Short Description for this Activity. The description will display beneath the Activity Title when a learner views enrollment details.
  6. Search for a Content Package by Package Title:
    1. Click "Choose."
    2. If you have not uploaded your content package, click the Add New link which will bring you to the create Content Package* page. *Note: When you finish adding a new Content Package, you need to return to the Lesson Structure page of the Learning Product to seach for and add the new Content Package. 
  7. Select the correct launch page (usually index.html). 
  8. Click  to save changes and exit, or  to discard changes and exit.