

What is an Expert?

An is a Subject Matter Expert, Instructor, Author, or Conference Speaker associated with a learning product or conference session. You create the expert's profile to add it to your list of available experts which can be selected in learning products, conferences, and evaluations.

How can I use this feature?

Expert profiles can be displayed on a learning product's Product Detail/Description page as an "Instructor". Learners can click to view other products that are also associated with the expert/instructor.

Expert Evaluations can be added to Evaluation activities in a learning product. These evaluations let you ask questions about each expert that you've attached to the learning product. The evaluation will display a separate page for each expert and include their name and photo.

Experts populate in the list of Conference Session Speakers. You can choose an expert to show on the conference session evaluation.

  • Click the Edit link to edit an Expert's profile.