

Tips about Evaluations: 

  • Specific Evaluation questions should relate only to the Activity or Learning Product they are attached to. 
  • General Evaluation questions can be generic and used across multiple Learning Products or live Classroom events. 
  • Instructor Evaluations should relate to the individual instructors at live events.
  • If there are multiple events scheduled, each event's specified instructor will be referred to in the Evaluation dynamically.
  1. Click the  button to create a new Evaluation.
  2. Enter a Title for your Evaluation and click  to create it or  to cancel.
  3. Click the  Create button to add a Header Message. The Header Message will briefly describe to learners what the Evaluation is about.
  4. Click the  button to add Evaluation questions and choose: "Pick Many," "Pick One," "Rating Scale," "Numeric Entry," or "Text Entry."
  5. Each option will allow you to manually enter a question and the way in which the learner will be required to respond.
  6. Click  after entering each question, to be sure it is added to the Evaluation.
  7. Click the "Review" tab when you have completed adding questions, to review how your Evaluation looks.
  8. Click the "Linked To" tab for existing Evaluations, to see which Learning Products are linked to the Evaluation.