Learning Products - Add Evaluation



Use this page to select an existing evaluation definition, or to create a new evaluation definition that will be filled in later. If you choose an existing evaluation, you are selecting that evaluation's content as-is (its pages, questions, and settings).

How do I use it?

To select an existing evaluation: In the top section, click on the title of the desired evaluation, then click Select.

To create a new evaluation: In the bottom section, enter an evaluation title that uniquely identifies this evaluation within your organization, then click Save to create a new (empty) evaluation. This evaluation title is seen only by administrators, and is used to differentiate one evaluation from another. The title can be up to 50 characters. NOTE: It is recommended to not include the word “evaluation” in this title, because these titles will always be shown in the context of “evaluations” (so including “evaluation” in each title would be redundant).

In either case: Whenever you want to add or change the evaluation’s content, click the Edit option in the page that led to the evaluation selection/creation page.