Enrollment Codes

An Enrollment Code is used to let your learners redeem the code for free enrollment in one or more learning products or certification products.

Enrollment codes are redeemed using the Enrollment Code Widget, which must be added to one or more pages on your site.

  • Existing Enrollment Codes are displayed in a searchable list and display the following information: date code was last Updated, code Title (this is not showing the Learning Product associated with the enrollment code), the Code itself, and the Admin PIN.
  • To modify an existing Code, click Edit.
  • To delete an Enrollment Code, click on thebutton then click "Yes" to confirm or "No" to cancel deletion.
  • Click on the  button to create a new enrollment code.
  • Click the  button to add a new enrollment code.
  • Give the enrollment code a Title. The title should reflect the purpose of the enrollment code so that you can locate it in the list of codes on the enrollment code dashboard. The title is only visible to administrators.
  • Set the enrollment code Type to either Enrollment Code good for a set of redemptions or Enrollment Code with Individual Subcodes (A set of unique codes that can only be redeemed once).

Note: If you choose to create a code with Individual Subcodes, a Prefix code will automatically generate but you can optionally change the prefix to any unique, 8 digit code.

  • Click  to create the code and add properties.