

What are Badges?

Online Badges are an earned recognition of an accomplishment or achievement in a community. The practice of awarding badges as a motivational tool is nothing new. The military and scouting organizations have been using badges for many years to acknowedge and award achievements.

Badges are a way to introduce the concept of Gamification into your site. By motivating learners and recognizing their achievements, badges can make a learning platform more engaging and increase learning product sales. Using badges, learners can showcase their accomplishments and authenticate their level of knowledge and experience within a community.

Badges are awarded based on specific rules that are selected by the administrator, such as completing a learning product, getting a certain score on an assessment, setting up a public profile, posting in a community or enrolling in a certain number of products.

Badges are only awarded once an individual accomplishes a set of learning goals similar to those associated with earning educational certificates.

  • Click the Edit link next to each badge to make changes to your badge or badge rules. Be sure to republish if you make a change.
  • Click the View Product link to edit a badge that is associated with a specific product.
  • Click the  button to publish a badge to your live site.
  • Use the ON/OFF  toggle button to enable a badge or disable a badge. Be sure to republish if you make a change.