- Index
- / Assignments
Before you create a Rule-Based or Manual assignment, answer these questions:
- Which Learning Product(s) will be assigned?
- Who will receive the assignment? If assigning by group, will anyone need to be manually excluded?
- When will the assignment be due? (Assignment Window)
- Will learners be assigned once, or on a repeat basis?
- Will a previously completed assignment override the need to take the new assignment?
Heads up! Assignments must be created on your LIVE portal. Any assignments created on Staging are for testing purposes only.
- Create a Manual Assignment if you want to select a Learning Product and assign it to individuals who must complete it.
- Create a Rule-Based Assignment if you want to assign Learning products to a dynamic audience using inclusion or exclusion rules.
Assignment details populate the table on the Assignments dashboard. From the dashboard you can change or edit some assignment features (like the Assignment Category, Title, or Enabled Thru date). Blue and red text indicates where you can click to make changes.
Click an assignment’s Category Name or Title to see a hidden dropdown list that lets you to make changes. Search for an assignment using the “Search by” field.
Click an assignment’s Category Name or Title to see a hidden dropdown list that lets you to make changes. Search for an assignment using the “Search by” field.
- Edit: Select this to edit an existing Assignment including description, audience, and completion criteria.
- Trash can:
This deletes an assignment permanently. Deleting an assignment eliminates it like it never existed (it will no longer be available in reporting, and it will no longer appear in any learner’s assignment history). If the assignment was valid, you may want to just expire it.
- Category: Each Category you create is saved to a dropdown list. Create category titles that will be easy for you to find and manage. (Ex: areas of learning, or learning product groups for easy tracking in reports. An Assignment Category should be more general than an Assignment Title.
- Title: A Title should be specific. It’s a good strategy to have a standard naming practice for titles so that you can more easily organize, locate, and track assignments (Ex: CourseName+AudienceDescription).
- Enabled On and Thru: Enabled On shows the starting date for the assignment--when learners were first assigned. Enabled Thru shows the end date for the assignment--when it will be removed from learner accounts. This date can be changed when an assignment is enabled and approved.
- Expire an Assignment: Setting the “Enabled Thru” to today’s date will expire the assignment immediately; using a future date will expire it at the end of the specified day.)
- Show Expired?: Expired assignments will not show on the dashboard, but if you toggle the Show Expired button to Yes, they will be included the the table.
- Adding an Assignment: Click the
button and select Rule-Based Assignment or Manual Assignment depending on your assignment requirements (see above).