Site - Email Templates


What are Email Templates used for?

Learner Community can send out several types of automatic emails to learners and administrators when certain events occur. You can edit and customize these email with your own additional text and branding. Some of the template choices will not apply to your portal, depending on the features you are using and how your learner accounts are created.

  • Can be used to alert learners about account or course information
  • May be sent to individuals or groups of learners or administrators
  • Can be generated by administrators when interacting with learner accounts

Editing the email Template Configuration

Click on the  button to make change to the overal template for every type of email that may be sent out. Here, you can add your own branding or general text that will be included in all emails.

Note: Email Templates must be edited on the LIVE portal to affect emails sent to your learners. You can edit the templates on staging for review or testing purposes only.

Below are explanations of each notification email:

When an administrator uses the Learners>Create Learner page to create a regular end-user, an email is immediately sent to the new learner with a link to the site, their new username and a temporary password. The email provides basic instructions for logging in, but you may want to customize it to include more specific instructions.
When an administrator uses the Learners>Create Learner page to create another administrator, an email is immediately sent to the new admin with a link to the site, their new username and a temporary password. The email provides basic instructions for logging in, but you may want to customize it to include more specific instructions.
If a learner changes their email address in the My Account>Info area, an email is sent to the old address to notify the learner of the change request.
If a learner changes their email address in the My Account>Info area, an email is sent to the new address to notify the learner of the change request.
If a learner forgets his/her password, he/she can click on the Forgot Password? link on the login page to have a new, temporary, password sent via email.

Enrollment codes can be configured to include administrators who have access to a roster of learners who have redeemed the code. This is useful if you want to give an admin access only to the enrollment code redemption info, and not other areas of the Admin Dashboard.

After you send an enrollment code admin request, they will receive an email with instructions to log in to the portal and redeem the admin code and PIN as well as the details about the code to distrubute to learners. After completing the code redemption, the admin will have access to the Admin Dashboard, but only to the enrollment code roster.

The notification digest emails are sent out daily, overnight. An email will only be sent to a learner or an administrator if an event has occurred that triggers the notification, and if the learner or admin has not already addressed or deleted the item from their notifications on the portal. The email will include any new notifications in the system since the last time the email was sent. 

Each portal can be configured to use the notification digest email feature or to disable it. Learners have the ability to enable or disable the sending of the notifications from their My Account area.

The following is a list of events included in the notification digest:

Learner Notifications

  • New enrollment in a learning product or certification
  • New assignment
  • Learning product or certification enrollment expiration
    • Sent out 15 days before the enrollment expires
    • Will only be triggered to send if there is an enrollment thru date or term days set
  • Assignment due
    • Sent out 15 days prior to the due date
  • Assignment overdue
    • Sent out one day past the due date
  • New conference enrollment
  • Conference session redemption period expiration
    • Sent out 10 days before the conference enrollment expires
  • Enrollment claim credit available
  • Conference claim credit available
  • New subscription enrollment
  • Subscription expiration
    • Sent out 15 days before the subscription enrollment expires
  • Credit expiring
    • Sent out 30 days before the credit expires, and again 15 days before the credit expires
  • Enrollment activity: For notifying a learner about updates to a specific enrollment, with a link to that enrollment such as when an administrator has updated a submission to a dropbox or discussion activity.
  • Time sensitive enrollment activity

Section Administrator Notifications:

  • New learner enrollment in the section
  • Sign-off submission pending review
  • Learning product section customization for dashboard: For notifications that link to the Section Administrator Dashboard.  Primarily used for notifying administrators about existing section customizations that may need attention.
  • Dropbox submission pending review
  • New post on discussion activity pending review: This is for notifying admins of a post to a graded/scored discussion
  • New post on discussion activity: This is for notifying admins of a post to a discussion which is NOT marked for grading/scoring.

Product Licensing Notifications

  • New request to license a product
  • Request to license a product accepted
  • Request to license a product rejected

Community Notifications

  • New reply to a question
  • Answer marked as accepted
  • Post added to the topic
  • New comment on file
  • New comment on question or question response
If your portal is configured for self-registration, your learners will receive an email when they first create their account. This email will include their email address and a link to verify the email address.
Enrollment Codes and Integrations:

If an order comes from a Personify integration with the quantity greater than 1, an enrollment code will be created for the order and the learner will automatically be made an admin of the enrollment code. The email that is sent out for an enrollment code admin is modified to the effect that the learner is already an enrollment code admin.

NOTE: This currently applies only to Personify integrations. If you're using another AMS want to take advantage of this capability, please let us know.

Community Notifications

  • New reply to a question
  • Answer marked as accepted
  • Post added to the topic
  • New comment on file
  • New comment on question or question response

Existing enrollment code admins can provide additional admin access to others.

This email is sent to a learner when an administrator resets the learner's password on the Manage Learners>Info tab. The admin can provide the new temporary password to the learner directly, or have an email sent to the learner with log in information.