Reports - Enrollment Detail


  • Learning Product (required): Search by title to choose the learning product(s) that should be included in the report.  At least one learning product must be chosen. Selecting the check box next to the search field will select all learning products on the page shown. Selected Items will show all learning products that were selected.
  • Enrollment Start Date (not required): Use the calendars to restrict the date range for enrollments.  If not chosen, all dates will be included.
  • Completion Date (not required): Use the calendars to restrict the date range for completions.  If not chosen, all dates will be included.
  • Enrollment Status (not required): Check or uncheck the enrollment status options. All enrollment statuses will be included as a default.
  • Find Learners (not required): Check the box next to Learner Info to search for a specific learner. Check the box next to Learner Demographics to specify Active, Deleted or other types of learners.  
  • Include Detail (not required): All options are selected by default. Uncheck each box to omit those details from the report.
  • Format (required): Select the type of output for your report.
  • Name this Report (not required): The report name will be shown on the results page. Use this field to differentiate this report from other enrollment detail reports.

Click Queue Report when the report is ready for processing. You will be automatically taken to the Report Results page.

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