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Reports - SCORM Detail
What is the SCORM Detail Report?
This report provides the information captured in SCORM 1.2 and 2004 content packages. You can run the report on a content package and will get two worksheets back in the result: Learner Summary and Objectives. The Learner Summary worksheet contains a row for each attempt a learner has made in the package and an overall status for the attempt. The Objective worksheet contains a row for each attempt in the Learner Summary along with details about any objectives within the package.
Please note that the data captured in this report is what is provided to Learner Community by your content package. Learner Community does not have control over what data is communicated back by the content package.
- Completion Status - (1.2 uses _cmi.core.lesson_status_) (2004 uses _cmi.completion_status_)
- Success Status - (1.2 N/A) (2004 uses_cmi.success_status_)
- Exit Reason - (1.2 _cmi.core.exit_) (2004 _cmi.exit_)
- Location - (1.2 _cmi.core.lesson_location_) (2004_cmi.location_)
- Progress Measure - (1.2 N/A) (2004_cmi.progress_measure_)
- Suspend Data - (1.2 _cmi.suspend_data_) (2004_cmi.suspend_data_)
This information comes from *cmi.objectives.N.* * where N is the Objective Number (it starts with 0 per the SCORM spec)
- Objective Number - This is the *N* from each objective.
- Objective Id - 1.2 AND 2004 _cmi.objectives.N.Id_ _where N is the Objective Number_
- Objective Raw Score - 1.2 AND 2004 _cmi.objectives.N.score.raw_ _where N is the Objective Number_
- Objective Completion Status - (1.2_cmi.objectives.N.status_)
- (2004_cmi.objectives.N.completion_status_) _where N is the Objective Number_
- Required fields are indicated with *.
- The report can be filtered either by a specific SCORM Package Version or by an entire SCORM Package, including all versions. Click on the radio button to select the appropriate Filter. Click on the version or the package to include in the report.
- Check the Learner Info checkbox to seach by a learner's First Name, Last Name, Alternate Id, User Name, or Email Address.
- Use the
dropdown boxes to modify the way you are searching.
- The Status box will default to "Active" to search for all active accounts. Check the "Deleted" box to include accounts that have been marked as deleted.
- Depending on your portal configurations, you may also be able to search for users by Rate Category or by enabled OIG/GSA Checks.
- Use the
- To include administrators in your search, check the Administrators box and select the level of administrator to include. You can include all or just one admin level.
- If you portal includes Groups, you can select the group level administrator and then include which group admins you want to see. This will pull up all administrators of the groups you specify, regardless of whether the admin is in the group.
- If your portal includes other learner details such as Groups, Job Roles or other customized fields, you can select the appropraite box to narrow down your report.
- For a portal with Groups, you can select In Group and then choose which groups to include. This will pull everyone in the group(s), including any administrators who are in the group (but not administrators who are in another group, but have admin rights over the group you are selecting).
- The Learners Who Have Completed box is used to include learners who have completed selected Learning Products. This does not display completion information for those learning products; rather, this feature simply includes learners who have completed all of the products you specify.
- You can click to Add Another Completion Group to include more than one Learning Product, which means that the learners included would have had to complete both products to show on the report.
- You can also use a combination of search factors in Find Learners, Administrators, Groups, Learners Who Have Completed, Activity Date, etc. to narrow down your report results.
- Select the desired report type by checking "Excel" or "PDF Summary" in the Format field. The PDF format is a more simple report that is more attractive to look at, but doesn't include all of the raw data. The Excel format includes all available data, possibly on multiple tabs.
- Use the Name this Report field to specify a name to display on the Report Results page, and to differentiate this report from others of the same type.
- To run the report, click