Marketplace - Find Offerings


What is the Marketplace and Product Sharing?

The Learner Community Marketplace feature is used to license your products to other organizations who are using Learner Community. Organization level administrators with the Manages Marketplace permission will be able to fully manage the sharing of products with, and consuming products from, other organizations.

The admin can choose which products should be publicized to other organizations. In doing so, additional notes can be authored by the admin and made public. 

The admin can also search the Marketplace across all organizations to find a product to license. Once found, the admin can request access to the product with the click of a button. When the other organization approves the request, the product will then be available in the staging portal for review, limited customization and publishing.

When a learning product is licensed to your organization, there a few limited areas that can be customized. The learning product structure cannot be changed or edited and will always stay connected to the host organization's structure. This means that activities cannot be added or removed and any activities not listed below cannot be customized. 

Section admin customizable activities

Any activities that include the customizable by section admin feature will still include this feature in a licensed product. The licensee can create sections of the product and, if the host organization has allowed edits in the activities, can allow section admins to make edits to the following activity types:

  • Content HTML
  • Webinar – only scheduling, using the host organization's WebEx account
  • Drop Box
  • Discussion
  • Live Classroom – scheduling

Credit type and credit profiles

Credit profiles are carried over from the host organization as well as any Statements of Credit associated with them. This means that the host organization should use a Statement that is generic and not specifically branded unless appropriate.

The Credit Type will not be carried over from the host organization, so the licensee will need to create a new Credit Type and then select it in the credit profile on the learning product Lesson Structure tab.

The licensee will also be able to set the credit category, integration transcript program ID and integration credit type for their portal.

Other learning product configuration

The licensee can fully control the configuration of the learning product on the Configuration tab, including term days, integration codes and catalog functionality.

The product description and teaser cannot be edited, but the tags and product icon can be customized.

The completion certificate carries over from the host organization and cannot be customized.

Badges can be enabled or disabled by the licensee, but cannot be edited.

Prerequisites will not carry over from the host organization and cannot be utilized with this feature at this time.

Learning product scoring will carry over from the host organization and cannot be edited.

The following reports will be available for shared products:

Local = your organization

Export = an Export Client using the AICC HACP feature

From Shared Source to Dest =  sharing YOUR product another organization

From Destination to Source = another organization reporting on a product that YOU shared to them

Learner Registration

Only includes data from current org

  • Local: included
  • Export: included
  • From Shared Source to Dest: n/a
  • From Destination to Source: n/a

Claimed Credit

Credit profiles that you own or are shared to you

  • Local: included
  • Export: included
  • From Shared Source to Dest: Destination data not included (NOTE: this should be reportable in some manner in the future)
  • From Destination to Source: Destination able to report on destination data only

BPS Claimed Credit

  • Local: included
  • Export: included
  • From Shared Source to Dest: Destination data not included (NOTE: this should be reportable in some manner in the future)
  • From Destination to Source: Destination able to report on destination data only

Learner Transcript

Only includes data from learners in current org

  • Local: included
  • Export: included
  • From Shared Source to Dest: n/a
  • From Destination to Source: Includes shared product data on learner transcripts (completions, credits, enrollments in shared products)

Learner Subscriptions

Only includes data from learners in current org

  • Local: included
  • Export: included
  • From Shared Source to Dest: n/a
  • From Destination to Source: n/a

Learner Completions

Only includes data from learners in current org

  • Local: included
  • Export: included
  • From Shared Source to Dest: Destination data not included (NOTE: this should be reportable in some manner in the future)
  • From Destination to Source: Destination able to report on destination data only

Executive Summary

Only includes data from learners in current org

  • Local: included
  • Export: included
  • From Shared Source to Dest: n/a
  • From Destination to Source: Destination able to report on destination data only

Enrollment Detail

Only includes data from learners in current org

  • Local: included
  • Export: included
  • From Shared Source to Dest: Destination data not included (NOTE: this should be reportable in some manner in the future)
  • From Destination to Source: n/a

Enrollment Progress Summary

Only includes data from learners in current org

  • Local: included
  • Export: included
  • From Shared Source to Dest: Destination data not included (NOTE: this should be reportable in some manner in future)
  • From Destination to Source: Destination able to report on destination data only

Enrollment Summary

Only includes data from learners in current org

  • Local: included
  • Export: included
  • From Shared Source to Dest: Destination data not included (NOTE: this should be reportable in some manner in the future)
  • From Destination to Source: Destination able to report on destination data only

Enrollment Code

Only includes data from learners in current org

  • Local: included
  • Export: included
  • From Shared Source to Dest: n/a
  • From Destination to Source: Destination able to report on destination data only

Assessment Analysis

Only includes data from learners in current org

  • Local: included
  • Export: included
  • From Shared Source to Dest: Destination data not included (NOTE: this should be reportable in some manner in the future)
  • From Destination to Source: Destination able to report on destination data only

Assessment Detail

Only includes data from learners in current org

  • Local: included
  • Export: included
  • From Shared Source to Dest: Destination data not included (NOTE: this should be reportable in some manner in the future)
  • From Destination to Source: Destination able to report on destination data only

Assessment Summary

Only includes data from learners in current org

  • Local: included
  • Export: included
  • From Shared Source to Dest: Destination data not included (NOTE: this should be reportable in some manner in the future)
  • From Destination to Source: Destination able to report on destination data only

Evaluation Detail

Only includes data from learners in current org

  • Local: included
  • Export: included
  • From Shared Source to Dest: Destination data not included (NOTE: this should be reportable in some manner in the future)
  • From Destination to Source: Destination able to report on destination data only

Evaluation Summary

Includes data from learners in current org + data from orgs that it is shared to

  • Local: included
  • Export: included
  • From Shared Source to Dest: included
  • From Destination to Source: Destination able to report on destination data only

SCORM Detail

Only includes data from learners in current org

  • Local: included
  • Export: included
  • From Shared Source to Dest: Destination learner data not included (NOTE: this should be reportable in some manner in the future)
  • From Destination to Source: Destination can report on content packages that are shared to them through the Marketplace. It will only include their learner data.

Conference Summary

Only includes data from learners in current org

  • Local: included
  • Export: included
  • From Shared Source to Dest: Destination learner data not included (NOTE: this should be reportable in some manner in the future)
  • From Destination to Source: Destination can report on content packages that are shared to them through the Marketplace. It will only include their learner data.

Assignment Detail

Only includes data from learners in current org

  • Local: included
  • Export: n/a
  • From Shared Source to Dest: n/a
  • From Destination to Source: n/a 

Compliance Analysis

Only includes data from learners in current org

  • Local: included
  • Export: n/a
  • From Shared Source to Dest: n/a
  • From Destination to Source: n/a

Find Offerings tab

  • This tab includes a list of all products that have been added to the Marketplace by all organizations. You can scroll through or search by procuct title or organization name.
    • The organization name will be displayed, along with contact information.
  • Click the  button to send a request to the organization to allow you to license their product.
  • Scroll down to the bottom of the page to view your Request History. All requests are listed with a status (Pending, Approved or Rejected). You can also see who submitted the request and the request date.


Licensed Products tab

My Product Offerings tab

Pending Requests tab


Note: Currently, this feature does not allow you to offer a product to specific organizations--all offerings will show up in the Marketplace to all organizations. However, there is a way to accomplish this. You can add a product to the Marketplace and the other organization can send their request. As soon as the request is received, you can accept it and then disable the offering on the My Product Offerings tab. This will remove the product from the marketplace, but the license will remain enabled for the organization you accepted.