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Learning Products - Validation/Publishing Status
The Validation/Publishing Status page lets you track the progress when you publish one or more learning products and lets you view results when you validate multiple learning products at a time.
What is Valdiation?
Before you publish a learning product from your staging site to your live site, it is important to review the content and configuration first. The final step should be to validate the learning product to be sure there are no missing elements that will prevent publishing, as well as to review any notes or warnings about possible missing elements and changes that you made if you published the learning product previously.
What is Publishing?
In order to let your learners have access to a learning product, you have to publish it to your live portal. Any time that you make changes to a learning product, you will need to publish it again to push the changes live so that your learners will see them. Publishing is the final step in content development.
Learning products are published separately from your site so that you can select one or more products to push live when ready. You can publish learning products on the main Learning Products dashboard, or when editing an individul product.
Note: It is important to validate your learning product(s) before publishing to be sure that you are not missing any important elements and to ensure that any changes you made were correct. Valdiation will let you know if there are any errors that will prevent publishing as well as any other items you may want to review first.
Start on the main Learning Products dashboard page:
- Click the check box next to one or more learning products and then click on the
- If you are validating only one learning product, the validation information will pop up immediately.
- If you are validating multiple learning products at one time, the validation process will be added to the Validation/Publishing Status page.
- If you are validating multiple learning products you will get a message that the products were successfully queued for validation. Go to the Validation/Publishing Status page to track the results.
Tracking status:
- The status page will display the following:
- The date and time the validation request was submitted
- Who submitted the request
- The type of request (Validate or Publish)
- The title of the Learning Product
- The Status of validation or publishing. This status will change from New to Validation Completed as the request is processed.
- *Refresh the page to see the updated status.
- Click the View link to track the process and status and review details. This page will update automatically and doesn't require you to refresh.
- Process - Validating
- Status - will change from New to Validation Completed as the request is processed.
- Submitted - Date and time the validation was submitted, and by whom.
- Errors - If there are any missing elements that will prevent the learning product from publishing, these will be listeed as errors. You will need to address these errors before you can publish the learning product.
- Warnings/Notes - These items are for your information so that you can be sure that there aren't any elements that you meant to include but did not. You will also be able to see if any changes were made that may affect other learning products (assessment structure or questions, evaluation structure or questions, etc.)