Add Assessment Learning Activity



Use this page to give your assessment activity a title and to select an existing assessment or create a new assessment that will have questions added later. If you choose an existing assessment, you are selecting that assessment's content as-is (its objectives, pools, questions, and settings).

How do I use it?

  • Activity TitleGive the assessment activity a title. This is the title that will be seen by learners when using the learning product.
  • Estimated Minutes (not required): Enter an estimate of how many minutes this assessment activity should take.
  • Description (not required): Enter a short description for this activity. Text in this field will appear beneath the title of the activity when it is shown to the learner.
  • Selecting an assessment:
    • Choose an existing assessment: To select an assessment that has already been created, click this button. All available assessments will be displayed in the search window and you can search by title for the assessment. Click on the assessment title to select it.
    • Choose a sub-assessment:To select a sub-assessment (a sub-set of questions from an existing assessment, shown in a static order) that has already been created, click this button. All available sub-assessments will be displayed in the search window and you can search by title for the sub-assessment. Click on the sub-assessment title to select it.
    • Create a new assessment: To create an assessment, click this button. In the New Assessment Title field, enter an assessment title that uniquely identifies this assessment within your organization. This assessment title is seen only by administrators, and is used to differentiate one assessment from another in the list of available assessments. The title can be up to 50 characters. NOTE: It is recommended to not include the word “assessment” in this title, because these titles will always be shown in the context of “assessments” (so including “assessment” in each title would be redundant).
  • Click Create and Continue
  • The assessment that you chose will be shown with an Edit button. When you want to add or change the assessment’s content (questions, etc.), click the Edit button. You may return and add questions later by editing the assessment activity from the learning product structure page, and clicking the Edit button next to the assessment title.
  • Maximum Attempts: Set the number of times the learner will be allowed to attempt the assessment to achive a passing score. Leave as unlimited if there is no maximum. If the learner fails all the allowed attempts, then the assessment learning activity will be marked Failed. If the block that contains the activity requires this activity to be completed, the block will be Failed. If the learning product's Completion relies on that block being completed, the learning product itself will be Failed.
  • Time Limit: Set the amount of time in minutes that the learner has to complete the assessment in a single attempt. Note that the time will be paused if the learner exits the assessment, and will resume when they launch the activity again. If there is no time limit, leave it as unlimited. If the time limit expires, the learner's responses will be submitted and graded regardless of the learner's progress.
  • Scoring:
    • Must Pass Overall Score: The assessement will be graded by one specified score for the entire assessment.
    • Must Pass All Objectives: The assessment will be graded by a score for each objective and will only be passed if each specified objective score is met.
  • Assessment Type:
    • A Post-Test requires all questions to be answered, and the learner must pass in order for the activity to be completed.
    • A Pre-Test requires all questions to be answered, and submitting responses completes the activity (the learner does not have to pass).
    • A Self Assessment doesn’t require any questions to be answered, and submitting responses will complete the activity (the learner does not have to pass).
  • Randomization:Questions can be set to different levels of randomization when presented to the learner. See the descriptions below. For the examples of each type, the letter is the objective and the number is the question number (i.e., A1 is Objective A, Question #1).
    • None: This is the default option. Questions will be presented exactly as defined in the assessment; no randomization is applied. Example: A1, A2, A3, then B1, B2, B3, then C1, C2, C3.
    • Objectives: The questions within an objective will not be randomized, but if multiple objectives are used, those objectives can appear in any order. Example: B1, B2, B3, then C1, C2, C3, then A1, A2, A3.
    • Questions Within Objectives: The objectives will not be randomized, but the questions within the objectives can appear in any order. Example: A3, A1, A2, then B2, B1, B3, then C1, C3, C2.
    • Objectives and Questions: Objectives can appear in any order, but all the questions pertaining to one particular objective will be shown together. Within that grouping of questions with the same objective, the questions can appear in any order. Example: B3, B1, B2, then A2, A1, A3, then C1, C3, C2.
    • Complete: Objectives and questions can be presented in any order. Example: C3, B2, B1, C1, A2, C2, A1, A3, B3.
  • Post Completion Options: When Show questions and staus is selected the learner will be shown the question and whether they answered correctly or incorrectly on each question. You may also select include the learner's response so that the learner can see what they answered as well as include question level feedback to display feedback added to each assessment question by the administrator (this is done when editing the assessment questions).
  • Custom Messages:Under the Custom Messages tab you can add text that will be displayed to the learner on the Introduction page of the assessment as well as the results page when the learner passes, failes with remaining attempts or fails with no attempts remaining.
    • Introduction: Message to be shown when the learner begins an assessment attempt.
    • Passed: Message to be shown when the learner successfully passes the assessment.
    • Failed (Has Retries): Message to be shown when the learner fails the assessment and has at least one attempt remaining. This option is visible only when the activity is configured to allow more than 1 assessment attempt.
    • Failed (No Retries): Message to be shown when the learner fails the assessment and has no more attempts remaining.
      • Use the tabs above the HTML editor to navigate between the message options. Use the HTML Editor to enter the desired message(s), which can include styled text, tables, and images. When you are finished, click Save and Close.

  • Description tab: This is where the learning activity title, estimated minutes and description can be edited.


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