Learner Detail - Conferences


The Conferences tab lets you see a list of all conferences in which the learner is enrolled. These conference are displayed in two tables:

Conferences with Session Enrollments

  • Each Conference title is listed along with the sessions for which the learner has redeemed attendance codes. You can also see the day and start time of each session and the completion status.
  • Clicking the View Details button next to each session lets you see the status of each activity within the session, including the time spent in each activity, the last accessed date for each activity, any credits that are available, and details of any assessment attempts.
  • You can Revoke (delete) enrollment in a conference session by clicking on the button. This will remove access to the session activities and optionally remove any completions and/or credits.

Conferences without Session Enrollments

  • Each Conference title is listed with the From date (the date the learner's enrollment started) and Thru date (the date the conference will expire from the learner's account) as well as the source of the enrollment. You can Revoke (delete) the enrollment in the conference by clicking on the  button.