


Create or add keywords that categorize the item and/or facilitate filtering.


How do I use it?

The drop-down menu lists existing tags alphabetically, with the number of current references in parentheses. For example, "Marketing (4x)" is a tag named "Marketing" and it's currently being referenced 4 times. When a tag already exists, it is recommended to use the existing tag name rather than create a new variation (e.g., always select the "Marketing" tag instead of creating a new tag like "Mrkting").

To select an existing tag, either select it from the menu or start typing the tag name until it is autoselected, then click the Add hyperlink.

To create a brand new tag, type the tag name, then click the Add hyperlink.

After clicking Add, the tag will be connected to the item you're editing. To disconnect a tag, click the "X" next to the tag name. NOTE: The tag reference count does not get updated until you save the item you're editing.