The HTML Editor supports entry of dotLiquid syntax, but the dotLiquid code is executed only in specific contexts (for example, in HTML Widgets and in Content HTML learning activities).
The following data is available for dotLiquid code to use. All the data values are already HTML-encoded, so it's safe to output values for display on the web page. NOTE: We recommend your portal be configured for "always on SSL" to encrypt all data exchanges between the server and web browser.
The data and documentation is structured. To use a particular value, combine the values in the outline. For example:
- {{General.UtcNow}}
- {{KC.Organization.Name}}
- {{KC.Learner.FirstName}}
- {{KC.Learner.Group1.Combined}}
- UtcNow - the current Universal date and time - {{General.UtcNow}} is 2/25/2025 10:08:26 PM
- LldtNow - the current Learner local date and time (null if a learner is not logged in) - {{General.LldtNow}} is
- DomainId - the id of the domain being viewed - {{General.DomainId}} is 6db225e6-8e25-4c32-9a94-f7979f1c00b2
- DomainName - the name of the domain being viewed - {{General.DomainName}} is
- DomainAbbr - the text before the first dot in the DomainName. For example, if DomainName is then DomainAbbr will be subdomain - {{General.DomainAbbr}} is help
- Name
- Boolean1Label thru Boolean2Label
- Date1Label thru Date2Label
- Group1Label thru Group5Label
- Lookup1Label thru Lookup14Label
- FreeText1Label thru FreeText4Label
- PhoneNumber1Label
- Id - Knowledge Connection's identifier of the learner (null if a learner is not logged in)
- AlternateId - the organization's identifier of the learner
- FirstName
- LastName
- EmailAddress
- BirthDate
- AdminTypeId - a value indicating the administrator type: 64 = Organization; 32 = Group 1; 16 = Group 2; 8 = Group 3; 4 = Group 4; 2 = Group 5; 1 = Basic (an enrollment code/section admin); 0 = Regular Learner
- RateCategory.
- Code
- Description
- Combined
- Boolean1 thru Boolean2
- Date1 thru Date2
- Group1. thru Group5.
- Code
- Description
- Combined
- Lookup1. thru Lookup14.
- Code
- Description
- Combined
- FreeText1 thru FreeText4
- PhoneNumber1
A collection of the learner's enrollments (from newest ActiveFromUtc to oldest). Each enrollment has these properties:
- ProductTitle
- ProductCategory
- SectionName
- ActiveFromUtc
- ActiveThruUtc
- StatusId
- StatusDescription
- FirstViewedUtc
- LastViewedUtc
- Id - unique id of this enrollment
A collection of the learner's completions (from newest AchievedOnUtc to oldest. Each completion has these properties:
- ProductTitle
- TitleIfNoLearningProduct
- SourceId
- SourceDescription
- AchievedOnUtc
- AchievedOnLld
- InsertedUtc
- ValidThruLld
- Notes
- Id - unique id of this completion