Video Library


  1. Click the  button to add a new video.
  2. Click the  button to upload a video file from your computer hard drive.
  3. Select a Preview Image that best identifies your video.
  4. Enter a Title.
  5. Enter a Description that provides details about the video's content for learners.
  6. Enter a whole number in pixels in the Maximum Width field to set how the video will be displayed. 
  7. Enter text into the Tags box to see pre-existing tags, or to create new tags by entering new text tags. Tags should identify video content and be easily searchable.
  1. Use the Search by: field to select an exisiting Video from the Video Library.
  2. Click the  button to change the Preview Image.
  3. Click in the appropriate text box to change the Title, Description, or Maximum Width, or to add new Tags.
  4. Click  to save your changes.
  1. Select an exisiting video from the Video Library by using the Search by: field.
  2. Seach the Video Library manually by using the arrows and page numbers at the bottom of the Video Library list.