Reports - Assessment Analysis


What is the Assessment Analysis Report?

This report was created to help you review the quality of your assessment questions. Each question is plotted on a graph showing the point-biserial (how well the question discriminates between learners who do and do not know the subject matter) and the p-value (question difficulty).

How can I use this report?

This report analyzes your questions to help you know when a question may need to be changed or removed. If you see a question in the red Poor Discrimator area of the graph, it may be a question that needs addressing. 

The question formula looks at learners who have done well and are generally understanding the concepts being assessed. Questions that are consistently missed by otherwise knowledgeable learners are flagged as poor. This helps to show if a question isn't useful in determining learner understanding.

  • Select the assessment activity. You can search by product title or assessment title.
  • Click the  button.